ICB Knowledge Base

From helpful tips to detailed information, the ICB knowledge base is your guide to passing your course with top results. Get all the help you need today

Get all the helpful information you need on the ICB knowledge base. This is your guide to completing your ICB course successfully, from how to get started to writing your ICB exam  This includes YouTube videos with easy-to-follow information and examples. 

Who Is ICB?

The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) is an independent external exam body. They aim to teach students in-demand business and finance skills. This includes assessments that test the skills and knowledge of students. 

How To Study ICB Courses 

There are three ways to study ICB courses:


  1. Full-time learning – This is an excellent option for students who are not working. You have the chance to study in person or full-time online.  

  1. Part-time learning – Learn and earn simultaneously when studying part-time. You will have enough time to study, work full-time and take care of responsibilities. 

  1. Distance learning – Study from home with distance learning. You can choose where you want to learn since there are no classes. 

Is ICB A Recognised Qualification?

Yes, all ICB qualifications are recognised. The QCTO and ICB accredit ICB courses. This proves that you have gained current skills and are qualified in your field. ICB courses are also registered with the SAQA

Are ICB Courses Internationally Recognised?

All ICB courses are internationally recognised. You will be able to find a job locally and abroad. You can also join international professional organisations, such as:

Where To Study ICB Courses

You can study with ICB training providers. There are over 500 training providers throughout South Africa. You have the option to choose a college or online learning. 

ICB Training Providers

We are an ICB training provider. Since we are a registered institution, you can achieve your accredited certificate with us. You have the option to study online through distance learning. 

Are ICB Training Providers Accredited?

All ICB training providers are registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). This means that you will be studying with a credible institution.

Can I Study Directly With ICB? 

No, ICB is not a college. You need to study ICB courses with an ICB training provider. ICB only provides external assessments to students. 

Can I Self-Study ICB Courses?

Yes, but this study method is strongly discouraged. You will not get academic support or learning material when you self-study ICB courses

ICB Registration

To become an ICB student, you must:

  • Create a student profile
  • Pick your ICB course
  • Choose your training provider

Create a Profile On The Student Portal

There are five easy-to-follow steps to create your profile on the student portal:

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Search and open the ICB website.
  3. Go to the student login.
  4. Click on the ‘register’ tab.
  5. Fill in the information and ‘click’ register.

This will take you to the next page – learner registration. Here you will fill in the information part of the registration, such as contact details and demographics.

Pick Your ICB Course

We offer three accredited ICB courses:

Accounting Courses

Learn quality finance skills in our Accounting Courses. This course is the perfect introduction to management and accounting. You need at least Grade 10 to study this course.


ICB Qualification Equivalent

Junior Bookkeeper 


Senior Bookkeeping 


Technical Financial Accounting 


Certified Financial Accounting 


Business Management Courses

Be your own boss with our Business Management Courses. Gain valuable skills such as management and business literacy. To enrol, you need to have passed Grade 11. 

Office Administration Courses

Manage any office like a professional with our Office Administration Courses. This course aims to teach you various skills from administration to bookkeeping. You need matric or equivalent to enrol on this course. 

Choose Your ICB Training

After choosing your course, you must select a training provider. If you plan on studying in person, choose a training provider close to your home. Want to learn from anywhere in South Africa? Then choose distance learning. 

ICB Portfolio Of Evidence (PoE)

All the work you do in your course will be in your ICB digital portfolio of evidence (PoE). This includes your tests and assignments. It counts 30% towards your ICB results. Pay the annual registration fees, and you will get access to your digital PoE for each subject. 

ICB Assignments

Section B in your PoE is where you can find your assignments and tests. It consists of:

  • Tests 1 and 2
  • Assignments 1, 2 and 3

There are three learning phases. With each learning phase, you will need to complete an assignment. Learning phases 1 and 2 consists of an open-book test. Learning phase three consists of assignment 3 and your ICB exam. 

ICB Macci

All student must complete their PoE on ICB Macci. This is a quick and easy way to access your work. Google Chrome is the best browser for your course. So make sure you install Chrome before you get started. 

How To Check Your Progress On Macci

The ICB PoE checklist is your guide to checking the progress of your PoE. It uses a progress bar that shows what you have completed, and what else you need to do. When the progress bar is at 100%, you have completed your PoE. 

PoE Completion Deadline

The highlight of your course is the ICB exams. But you need to complete your PoE before the completion deadline. You will not be able to write the exam if your PoE is not 100% done. This includes paper and online exams.  

ICB Exams

The ICB exams make up 70% of your final results. There are two ICB exam types:

  1. Paper-based exams
  2. ICB online exams

How To Enter For An ICB Exam

To enter the ICB exam, you need to register with ICB first. To enter the assessment, you must:

  • Choose a subject
  • Select a venue
  • Pick an available exam date
  • Click ‘add to basket’
  • Check the basket to see if all the correct information has been entered
  • Select payment method


You can postpone writing until a later date if you cannot make it to your exam. Make sure there is an available exam date. You will also need to pay the postponement fee. For reasons beyond your control, you could qualify for a no-charge postponement


If you are unable to write the finals, you can cancel your exam. This means you will forfeit your exam booking. If you want to reschedule the exam, check for an available date and pay the exam fees.  

ICB Online Exams

Write at a location of your choice with ICB online exam. Whether it is at your college or home, you have the option to choose a place that works for you. The online exam:

  • Runs from 13:00 to 16:30
  • Are 3 ½ hours in duration
  • Uses the same question types as paper exams
  • Is invigilated

Online Exams Technical Requirements

All students who choose to write online exams must meet the technical requirements. This ensures that you have all the tools you need to complete your finals, including:

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Stable internet connection

Technical Systems Check

You must complete two technical systems check – one before and one on the day of your exam. The technical system checks if you are using one:

  • Computer/ laptop screen
  • Browser
  • Tab

It helps prevent cheating and increases the chance of a successful exam. 

ICB Technical Support Team

If you experience any technical issues during the exam, the ICB technical support team is there to help. DO NOT struggle too long. Report any problems so that you can get immediate assistance. 

What To Do If You Experience Loadshedding During Your Online Exam?

When you experience loadshedding during your online exam

Before the exam:

  • Keep track of loadshedding in your area.
  • Write at a different place if your area is scheduled for power cuts.

During the exam:

  • Try to log back into the exam as quickly as possible.
  • If you cannot log back, contact the ICB – this is kept on record in case you want to rewrite your exam. 

ICB Results

Getting your ICB results are the highlight of your course. You will know whether or not you are ‘competent’ in your skills and have passed the subject. Your final exam and PoE make up the marks in your results. 

Where To Get Your ICB Results?

Classroom and distance learning students have their own way of getting their results:

  • Classroom students – These students can get their results from their college. 
  • Distance learning students – You can find your results on the student portal. Your results will also be emailed to you. 

What Is The ICB Pass Mark?

The ICB pass mark is the requirement you need to pass the course. You need to get at least: 

  • 50% in your final exam
  • 60% as the overall subject mark

Did you know: There are no pass requirements for your PoE? Your PoE is to prepare you for your finals. 

What Can I Do If I Fail My ICB Exams?

If you failed your final exam, you have two options that can help you get a second chance at passing your course: 


Rewrite the subject you failed before the new calendar year. This way, you will not need to complete a new PoE. Ensure that you:

  • Study the correct material
  • Start studying early to avoid cramming
  • Register again for the exam
  • Pay the exam fees  


The chances of your exam being mismarked are slim. But if you think an error has occurred, you can request a re-mark. An examiner will re-mark your script and issue a full report. Remember to request and pay the re-mark fee within a month of getting your result. 

Recognition Of Prior Learning (RPL)

Use your qualification or work experience to get a head start in your course. Recognition of prior learning (RPL) allows you to turn your skills and experience into credits that can help you further your studies. 

Does Unisa Accept ICB Qualifications?

Unisa accepts students through RPL. Your qualifications and work experience need to be relevant and current to the course you want to study. 

Can I Get A Bursary From The ICB? 

The ICB does not offer its students any bursaries. So if you want to study ICB courses, you must consider various ways to pay for your studies.

Lenita Pikkie Marais
Lenita Pikkie Marais
Computer Course A+
Awesome service, awesome prices, and just awesome people who are there for you no matter what. They go out of their way to see you succeed in your studies
Moloi Patricia malema
Moloi Patricia malema
Occupational Health and Safety
I would like to give my compliments to all the staff who contacted me during my difficulties and more specifically to Kenneth who convinced me to enroll with skills.
Early childhood
Skill academy is an affordable college and a good one.
Rochel Nicolene
Rochel Nicolene
Adult Matric
They are fast responses when you need feedback or any help or support.
Skills Academy is the word support in every way.
Professional secretary
I will strongly recommend Skills Academy! And you won't regret your choice if you would want to study or do courses through them. I'm very happy with Skills Academy, they respond very quick and are always there when you need help.
Awelani Jennifer Ramulongo
Awelani Jennifer Ramulongo
HR Management
If you want further your studies, Skills Academy is the best online college to study with. You will always feel at home and will not regret it.
Carine van der Westhuizen
Carine van der Westhuizen
Beauty Therapy
The service is very good with friendly and helpful staff. You have your time to complete your studies. Fast or slow.
Shahida Dawson
Shahida Dawson
Financial Accounting
If you want professional, efficient and friendly service, Skills Academy is the institution to go to!
Taryn Duplessis
Taryn Duplessis
Beauty Therapy
Excellent college. I don't regret signing up with Skills Academy.
Wilma Kok
Wilma Kok
Adult Matric
Skills Academy is a good college, as you get fast, efficient and brilliant service. Their staff are very friendly when they are assisting you. They always call to make sure that everything is okay, or ask whether you need help with something.
Caroline Govender
Caroline Govender
Junior Bookkeeping
Skills Academy is affordable and helpful.
Crime Investigation
Best academy that gives the best to their students to overcome anything and get the best out of their studies.
Kholeka Nqobile Xintolo
Kholeka Nqobile Xintolo
Child Psychology
You are fast and patient. Very resourceful as help through landlines are always available. Good learning structures with group and team classes. Very consistent and always there when you need anything regarding your studies.
Catherine Harland
Catherine Harland
Educare N4
Definitely worth it. The courses that are available are great and the service even better.
Nonhlanhla Sarah
Nonhlanhla Sarah
HR Management
Skills Academy is the best because they give you the best education and they are always there ready to help you in everything that you don't understand.
Mpho Vilakazi
Mpho Vilakazi
Child Day Care
Skills Academy is the best college to study at. They deliver on time, their staff is supportive and their fees are affordable.
Maria Mokgadi Faro
Maria Mokgadi Faro
Educare N6
Good communication, helpful when you need help and the books are delivered on time.
Skills academy is very responsive, friendly and patient.
Zanele Kopo
Zanele Kopo
HR Management N6
I would say that Skill Academy is the best online college you can trust and rely on. Due to the support I got from here, I fully recommend the college for anyone else who wish to do online studying.
Interior Design and Decorating
To anyone who would like to improve his/her career, whether you do have your grade 12 certificate or not, Skills Academy is the right institution to improve your career and even your life in general. The reason is that you do everything online, and you can work while studying at your own pace.

Get A Private Bursary

There are bursaries available for students studying at private institutions. They might be able to pay your full tuition. If not, your study material will be covered by the bursary. 

Apply For A Student Loan

Get your bank to pay for your studies with a student loan. Depending on the amount, this allows you to cover expenses such as tuition, books and travel costs. You will need to repay the amount since it is a loan. 

Pay For Your Studies

When you work and study simultaneously, you will be able to earn money that will allow you to pay your study fees. You can arrange with your institution to pay your fees per month. You will also be able to gain work experience in the process. 

Get The Knowledge You Need From Us

We provide accredited distance learning courses you can study from home. With no classes, you can enjoy the flexibility of choosing your own study schedule. You also have helpful tutors and a support team that will assist you in reaching your goals. 

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Last Updated: 22 August 2024