Course Summary
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This subject is designed for students who are either at an early stage in their careers or students who have not yet started working. The aim of the course is to give you a good general knowledge and understanding of the use of English in business situations
This subject forms the foundation of your accounting knowledge and can be found in every ICB Programme, no matter what stream you are studying. It assumes no knowledge of bookkeeping and teaches the student to prepare the books of account from source documents to the subsidiary journals to the general and subsidiary ledgers, trial balance, and the bank and creditors reconciliations.
Here is where you get introduced into how to disclose the profits and financial position of a business. You also learn how to do business tax returns and payroll tax.
Being able to keep the books of a business on a computerised accounting software package is essential for any bookkeeper. The course also includes an in depth study of dedicated computerised accounting using industry leading software packages.
This teaches the basic concepts of numeracy. Here you will learn about business numeracy tools such as doing fractions, percentages, proportions, equations, interests and graphs.
This teaches you the application of accounting concepts such as that of accrual, matching prudence, cost and consistency to a set of financial records, preparation of the income statement and balance sheets (with notes) for a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a Close Corporation and a limited company as well as the preparation of the statement of cash flow and applicable notes thereto for a limited company.
This subject will enable students to perform in a manufacturing environment, be able to complete basic management accounts, have a working knowledge of cost accounting, breakeven analysis, cost-volume-profit analysis, advanced costing, budgeting and standard costing, financial management and business ethics. An understanding of cost and management accounting is essential for any bookkeeper, accountant or office manager.