Matric College

Complete your matric as an adult or improve your marks. This is possible with the help of Skills Academy and Matric College. Earn your certificate on your own terms!

Want to complete your matric or upgrade your results? Matric College gives you the chance to do just that and more. Take control of your future by enrolling and give your life the boost it needs. 

Is Matric College Accredited?

Matric College is a tuition provider. This means that they provide you with all your study material, as well as assistance. There is no need for tuition providers to be accredited as they are not directly involved with the exam process. The Department of Higher Education and Training sets the matric exams and approves the exam centre. Matric certificates are issued by Umalusi

What Makes Matric College so Great? 

Before you choose a college to study with, it’s important to look at what they can offer you. Do they provide benefits? And if they do, is it something you can use to your advantage? Once you have these answers, you can go ahead and start your study journey. 

Study Material Sent Straight to you 

There’s no need to stand in a queue to get your study material. Once you have successfully registered, it gets sent straight to you via email or courier. This includes your textbooks, at no extra cost. 

Help With Exam Preparation 

Before you start your exams, you will get past exam papers to work through. This is the best way to prepare for exams as it gives you an idea of what to expect. The more you practice, the bigger chance you have of passing your exams. 

Tutors Available 

Stuck on a problem or have a query? There will always be a helpful tutor available to assist you, even if it’s after hours. You can ask for help by sending an email or Whatsapp message. There is also a phone number you can call. 

Exam Registration Assistance 

Registering for your exam doesn’t have to be a hassle. You can get assistance during the whole registration process. This also includes finding an exam centre closest to you, so you don’t have the added stress of finding an exam venue.

A female Matric College student holding books with a smile on her face.

How can I get my Matric? 

There are two ways for you to get your matric certificate  – Adult Matric and Matric Upgrade.  It’s up to you to decide which option suits you best, based on your study needs. 

Adult Matric 

Did you attend high school, but never made it all the way to grade 12? Adult Matric is aimed at those who are 21 years or older and want to get their matric. 

Matric Upgrade

If you already have your matric but want to improve your marks, get a matric upgrade! This allows you to focus on the subjects you did poorly in and rewrite them. 

Can I get my Matric Through Distance Learning? 

Like Matric College, our matric options are offered through distance learning. This is often the most convenient way to study as you don’t need to attend any classes. You can plan your schedule around any other responsibilities you might have. All you need to do is study your course work, prepare for your exams and write on the correct dates. 

Benefits of Having a Matric Certificate

Earning your matric certificate might not seem like a big deal. But it can open up a lot of doors for you. It can give you access to a range of options, such as: 

  • Entry-level jobs 
  • Learnerships and internships 
  • Further study opportunities  

The type of matric pass you get only matters when you apply to study further. Most jobs and internships only require you to have a valid matric certificate. 

A group of Matric College students studying for their exams.

What can I Study With Matric? 

You have a wider range of options to choose from with matric. Whether you are looking for an accredited course, or simply want to do a skills-based programme. Your matric certificate allows you to make the choice. Some courses that require matric to get started include the following. 

NATED Courses 

Want to get an accredited qualification and gain relevant workplace skills? Consider NATED courses. All you need to get started is have a matric or NQF 4 equivalent. 

  • Financial Management
  • Educare
  • Management Assistant
  • Marketing Management
  • Legal Secretary
  • HR Management
  • Business Management

ICB Courses 

These ICB courses are accredited and are for students who are interested in the accounting, business and finance field. They are also widely recognised by employers. 

  • Financial Accounting
  • Public Sector Accounting
  • Business Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Office Administration

Are There Courses I can Study Without Matric? 

If you prefer to study further rather than get your matric, there are options available for you. All you need to qualify is be able to read and write in English. Our courses are open entry, so you can study with us at any time. Here are just some of the courses you can get into. 

Beauty – Want to become a beauty expert? With these beauty courses, you can become a salon manager, nail technician or make-up artist. 

Tourism and Guest House Management – Learn all about the tourism industry with these courses. Gain an understanding of what it takes to succeed in the field. 

Event and Wedding Planning – Are you a born planner? These event and wedding planning courses will give you the skills needed to plan any event successfully. 

Childcare – Help guide and teach future leaders. Learn the skills needed to achieve that and more with these childcare courses

Become a Success With or Without Matric! 

There’s no reason to limit yourself when it comes to your future. Find out how you can boost your skills by getting in touch with us. Use any one of the methods below and we will get back to you: 

Last Updated: 12 September 2024