What is a Matric Certificate?
A matric certificate, also known as a National Senior Certificate is a high school diploma. This is why it’s important to understand the real value of a matric certificate. In your final year of high school your last report will be an official government issued matric certificate. There are three levels of passing a matric certificate and each has its own pass requirements.
What are the Benefits of a Matric Certificate
Knowing what the benefits are of a matric certificate is very important. In fact, after going to school for 12 years, it’s expected.This is the main reason why educators and parents put so much pressure on you to study hard for matric exams. Having a matric certificate will give you options.
Learnerships aim to give matriculants a skill that can be used in the working environment. If you don’t know what you want to study after high school, this option is available to you
Study Opportunities
Having a matric certificate gives you many study opportunities. Even though every institution has its own entry requirements, with a matric certificate this option is open to you. So depending on how you pass, you can study at a university, college or technikon.
Entry Level Jobs
That’s right, you can apply for an entry level job straight out of high school if you have your matric certificate. Most jobs in South Africa have matric certificates as a minimum application requirement. There is also a possibility that you can find employment without having a matric certificate but you won’t be able to get a higher position.

Can I get my Matric Certificate Through Distance Learning
Yes, you can! Distance learning institutions like Skills Academy actually make getting a matric certificate much easier. Skills Academy understands the value of a matric certificate and believes that everyone has the right to an education. We have therefore tailored our matric programmes to fit the needs of our students. Our matric programmes consist of – Matric Upgrade and Adult Matric.
Adult Matric
If you are 21 years and older and need your matric certificate, our Adult Matric programme is just what you need. We understand that being an adult means you have other responsibilities such as work, but with us you can work and get your matric certificate all at the same time. The best part about this programme is, you only need to be 21 years and older to start.
Matric Upgrade
Our Matric Upgrade programme is a second chance at matric. With this programme you can redo subjects you might have done poorly in. With the help of our skills tutors and engaging study groups, we help you get your matric certificate. Getting a matric upgrade could help you get into a course or college.
The Different Levels of a Matric Certificates
There are three levels of passing matric. Each level has its own subject pass requirements. Understanding these pass levels and their requirements is important especially if you want to further your education. Click here for more.
Bachelor’s Degree Pass
In your final year of high school, you will hear a lot about passing matric with a Bachelors Pass. This is because a Bachelor’s pass allows you to study at any university. So in simple terms, you have more study options with a bachelors pass.
Diploma Pass
A diploma pass allows you to only study a diploma course at an institution of higher education. To get this certificate you are allowed to fail one subject.
Certificate Pass
This is the lowest pass you can receive. With this pass you can study towards a higher certificate. You are allowed to fail one subject.

Skills Academy is the word support in every way.

Ready to get Your Matric Certificate?
If you are ready to get your matric certificate or have any questions feel free to contact us. Our friendly course experts are always ready to help. For more details, you can:
- Complete our online registration form
- Call us for free at 0800 39 0027
People Also Ask
Yes, a matric certificate is quite valuable. It opens up opportunities for further study, leadership, and entry-level jobs. Having a matric certificate is often a minimum requirement for many jobs and educational programs.
Companies typically verify matric certificates by requesting a copy from the candidate and then checking their authenticity with the Department of Basic Education or through verification agencies that have access to the National Learner Records Database.
Definitely! While a matric certificate is helpful, it’s not the end of the road if you don’t have one. Places like Skills Academy offer courses that don’t require matric, and many industries value hands-on skills and experience just as much.
A matric certificate allows you to pursue further education at universities and colleges. It also qualifies you for various leadership and entry-level jobs across multiple sectors, providing a foundation for career development.