Looking for ways to calm interview nerves? We’ve got you. Whether it’s one-on-one, or a panel job interview, you can use our top tips to put your jitters to rest once and for all. An amazing opportunity has come your way, don’t dread it out of fear of the unknown!

Ways to Calm Interview Nerves
It’s normal to feel nervous before a job interview. But you don’t have to let those anxious feelings get in the way of you and your dream career. Let’s have a look at the best ways to calm interview nerves so you can put your best foot forward.
Be Prepared
The best way to calm interview nerves is to practice your answers. You can do this by asking friends or family members to create a mock interview setting. They can pretend to be the interviewer and ask you a few questions. This is also your opportunity to come up with a few questions to ask the interviewer as well.
Get There Early
This is very important! Not only does arriving early create a good impression, it also helps calm your anxiety. Make sure to confirm the address before your interview, and maybe try to visit the location beforehand. Doing so prevents you from driving around on the day because you don’t know where to go.

Use Positive Self-Talk
Speak to yourself with kind words so you can be reassured. Tell yourself that your CV, cover letter and qualifications have gotten you this far. So the recruiters must see you in that job position already. All you have to do is seal the deal. Try repeating the sentence “I worked hard, I deserve this job and the interview will be great!”.
Remember it’s a Conversation, not an Interrogation
The hiring managers are looking for a candidate to fill the post, so they want you to succeed! They also know that everyone will be nervous. Remember, you are there because you did something right. The interview is just a conversation to make sure that the opportunity is a good fit for both you and the potential employer.
Make Plans for After the Interview
Plan to do something fun after the interview! That way, you have something to look forward to. Maybe go to your favourite coffee shop, play video games or have a movie night. This is your reward after putting in hard work.

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