Course Summary
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This subject teaches you the basic communication principles and the importance of effective communication.
This introduces you to the fundamentals of how one should manage an office. It also teaches you the importance of inter-personal relationships in an office setting.
Here you will important ways to capture, process and record information. You will learn information record techniques such as identifying keywords.
This is about understanding computers and their processing systems such as Microsoft, pastel and others. This will also teach you fast typing techniques.
After completing this course you will have sound knowledge of meeting procedures, how to build relationships, language usage and more.
Office Practice is designed to give students relevant and marketable skills and applied competencies for employment and self-employment in the office administration sector
Learn more about basic communication principles and social interactions. After completing this course you will have sound knowledge of meeting procedures, how to build relationships, language usage and more
This course will add on the information you learnt in the N4 Management Assistant programme. You will learn the basics on how to use computer software. A basic understanding of computers is essential for anyone in the workplace.
In this course you will gain an extensive look into office practices. You will learn about management functions, electronic office, advanced secretarial functions, economic environment and even human resources.
Learn about the importance of internal and external communication. This course will help you control your public image as well as the company you work for or manage.
This subject will teach you how to process information in a professional manner. Once you have completed this subject you will know how to summarize information.
Get a broader look at what computer practice is all about. This subject allows you to take the computer skills you have already leant and build on them.