Technical Sciences Matric Past Papers

Hurry! Your exams are right around the corner and you need all the help you can get. Access Technical Sciences Matric Past Papers right here. Test your knowledge and quiz yourself.

Your final exams are upon us! Your entire high school career has led up to this moment. Get prepared for the big moment by having a look at Technical Sciences Matric Past Papers right here. 

Past Papers 

Past papers are a great resource to revise for your matric exams. They give you the chance to identify any weaknesses you may have, focus points and familiarise yourself with the structure. Find Technical Sciences Matric Past Papers below: 

Work through these well ahead of time. A good idea would be to create a study schedule. 

Date of Technical Sciences Exam

Your technical exam will be divided into two papers. They follow closely after one another, so finding the right time to study is important if you want to pass. 

Paper 1: 20th November 

Paper 2:  23rd November 

How Long Will the Exam be?

Both papers will be three hours long.  They start 9am sharp, but get to the exam venue ahead of time. Your Covid-19 screening process must take place 30 minutes before the actual test. Take this into consideration and try your best to be early.  

Study Tips

The road to your finals will be smooth sailing, once you apply some of these tips. Pass Matric 2020 with no hassles! 

Don’t Procrastinate: Don’t put your studies off. Wake up early and get in at least 6-8 hours of studying per day. 

Get Enough Sleep: Your health is just as important as your studies. Especially during these times it is important to rest, eat well and exercise regularly. 

Create a Study-Orientated Space: Find a space especially for studying. You want to be comfortable, but not too relaxed. So avoid your bed! 

Test Yourself: Go through past papers and test your knowledge. Use the memos to see how much you got right. 

Get Involved in a Study Group: There are plenty of online student support groups. Join these and study with your peers in a safe, remote way. 

When your results are released on the 23rd of February, we know you want good news. Use our matric resources to your advantage and smash your final exams. 

Last Updated: 22 October 2024