Production and Operations Management: Certificate Course Breakdown

Learn all the skills needed to start a career in operations and logistics with our Productions and Operations Management Certificate Course. Find out more with the course breakdown below.

What you need to know

Subject Outcomes

The following subjects will provide you with all the knowledge needed to be successful in the operations and production industry.

Subject Description
Introduction to Business English Learn how to effectively communicate in any business through verbal and non verbal communication. This will ensure that you will be able to successfully communicate through emails and written work, as well be able to speak to clients and employees. You will also learn how to communicate successfully during meetings and presentations.
Production and Operations Management Learn all the skills needed regarding the productions of goods and services, in order to become an expert within this industry. This includes all the areas of this field, from the planning process to the manufacturing of the final process of goods and services.
Project Management: Basics This subject will teach you all the basics of project management. This will enable you to enhance your decision making and problem solving skills. Project management skills can be used across industries, and the skills learnt in this subject are sought after by most employers. Projects allow growth for the company. So being able to manage projects effectively will lead to the success of the company.
Business Communication Clear communication within a business will ensure that there is an understanding between employees, in terms of information that needs to be shared in an effective manner. Employees need to be well informed of all things within a business. As an Operation and Productions manager, you need to ensure that there is a clear understanding of what needs to be done in the workplace. There are a lot of different processes in this industry, and being able to manage the communication between departments of this field is crucial.
Supply Chain Management Essentials Learn all about the key areas that make up all the Supply Chain Management Essentials, that will teach you all the knowledge needed to be a professional in this industry. Supply chain and operations and productions are two different different departments, yet they work hand in hand, dependent on each other. Operations and production deals with the production of goods and services, whereas supply chain deals with the delivering and implementing these goods and services to fulfill the needs of the customer. Having knowledge on both will allow you to manage work in your company effectively.

Study Upgrade

Complete this Certificate course, and enrol into the Comprehensive certificate course, gaining all the skills needed to be a professional in this industry.