Email Etiquette

This Email Etiquette course will teach you the structure needed to construct professional emails which are appropriate in the workplace.

Course Summary

Award type:
Short Course Certificate
Accredited by:
Not Applicable
3 Months
Entrance Requirement:


The last thing you want is to be dismissed or receive a warning for sending an inappropriate email. With this module, you can avoid that and learn how to write emails appropriate for the workplace. 


In this module you will learn how to structure (the format) an email. Your structure, grammar and punctuation is what makes your email professional or informal. You will also learn about the length of your email and how to alter it to get your point across. By the end of this module, you will know what the advantages and disadvantages are of using email and what the importance of email etiquette is.


Key concepts that are covered in this module include: 


  • Email basics
  • Email Policies
  • Email features and security
  • Email effectiveness
  • Composing online respondence