Customer Relations Management: Short Course Breakdown

Focuses on managing the interactions and relations between an organisation and its customers. Most large organizations has a Customer Relations departments.

What you need to know

Subject Outcomes

Keen to know what you will learn with our Legal Secretary N4 programme? This course serves as an introductory course to assist you with your legal secretary career. Here’s what you can expect to learn:

Subject Description
Introduction to Business English No business is complete without professional communication. That's the reason English language skills are important to have in almost every industry. We offer Introduction to Business English as a subject to all our students. After completion you will be more confident in your speaking and writing ability.
Face-to-face communication Face-to-face communication can make or break a interaction. For that reason this subject is important and teaches you the impact of face-to-face contact. To use it to your advantage. After completion of this subject you will be able to articulate yourself better in face-to-face communication.
Customer Satisfaction Customer relationships and interactions skills can build your success. Knowing how to deal with difficult people and job frustrations can make the operation run smoother. This subject will help you deal with things professionally and deal with customer feedback.

Study Upgrade

The great thing about our NATED courses is that you can further your education. After completing the N4 you can advance to the N5 and N6 programmes. Once completed and with 18 months practical training, you can get your National Diploma.