Thinking of enrolling into a marketing course, but not sure if you have the correct school subjects to qualify? The good news is that with us you don’t need any prior marketing subjects to enrol. Where there’s a will, there’s a way and we’re providing you with just that!
What Subjects do I Need to Enrol?
While it is advised to have prior marketing skills, it is not necessary to enrol for our courses. Some subjects that will assist in your journey are listed below:
- Business Studies
- Computer Practice
- Management
While having these skills will be an advantage, it is not a requirement for enrollment.
Where can I Study Marketing?
There are many places available to study Marketing in South Africa. It all depends on what your needs are as a student. If you are looking for an affordable study plan, flexible schedule and convenience, then distance learning is the way to go. Here, at Skills Academy, we offer students quality education from the comfort of their own home. This provides you with the opportunity to study at your own pace.
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Our Marketing Courses
Our marketing management courses are all designed to cater to your individual needs. There are three different types of courses you can enroll for. They are:
- Provider Programmes
- NATED Marketing Courses
- Tourism Marketing
Provider Programmes
Provider programmes are courses that have been created by us to specifically address certain gaps in education. They are aimed at people who are looking to improve their skills and get quality learning but who may not have had the access to do so at traditional places of learning. To enrol all you need is the ability to understand and write in English as your coursework will be provided in this language. You have the option of enrolling for the following courses:
- Marketing Management Short Course
- Marketing Management Certificate Course
- Marketing Management Comprehensive Course
NATED Marketing Management Courses
We offer NATED marketing courses. These courses range from N4-N6. Our NATED courses adhere to the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). They are accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTC). This means that these courses are of a high standard. Studying them will give you access to credible, quality education.

Our marketing courses consist of a wide variety of subjects that are aimed at preparing you for the work environment. They are:
- Entrepreneurship and Business Management N4
- Marketing Management N4
- Management Communication N4
- Computer Practice N4
- Entrepreneurship and Business Management N5
- Marketing management N5
- Sales Management N5
- Computer Practice N5
- Marketing Management N6
- Sales management N6
- Marketing Communication N6
- Marketing Research N6
Skills Needed to Thrive in Marketing
To thrive in the marketing world, there are some essential skills you should have. Find these listed below:
- Creativity
- Communication Skills
- Organisation
- Listening Skills
If you don’t have these skills naturally, you can always improve on them by enrolling for our courses. We ensure that once completed you are ready to take the marketing world by storm!
Benefits of Studying Marketing
Marketing is a broad field that offers many graduates exciting opportunities. If you are looking to enter an exciting career field then this is the way to go. Listed below are some of the benefits attached to studying marketing:
Marketers are in Demand
Marketing is such a broad field. There are many spheres for you to specialise in. Because of this and it’s growing rate, the need for marketing professionals has risen dramatically. This means that once you have completed your qualification, your chances of getting employed are much higher.
Get to Know the Customers
For any business to succeed, they must have a good understanding of their customers. Marketing will also help you gain an understanding of why customers behave the way they do and what influences the choices they make.
Learn to Deal With People
In all workplaces you will have to deal with various types of people. The courses we offer will teach you how to communicate with people effectively and how to handle conflict in a professional manner. These are essential skills that will help you thrive in any career field.
Business Education
Studying marketing will also provide you with the knowledge to understand broader business concepts. This will make you well-versed in management, accounting, market research and communication. These are all skills that will assist in a lifelong career.
Industry Choices
Not all people are cut out for office life. If you’re young and looking for more exciting work opportunities then marketing can assist in that. You can specialise in social media marketing, email marketing, advertising and much more. All are options that are growing creative fields.
Career Options
Like we have mentioned, job opportunities are plenty within this industry. Some of the titles you could hold are listed below:
- Social Media Manager
- Sales Representative
- Public Relations Specialist
- Meeting/Event Planner
- Marketing Coordinator
- Marketing Research Analyst
These are just some of the options that are available to you in this exciting career field.

Skills Academy is the word support in every way.

Make Your Mark in Marketing!
Ready to take the next step? Enrol for our marketing courses and enjoy the best in distance learning. For more information contact us. We are always ready to help!
- Fill out this form and one of our consultants will get back to you.
- If you don’t want to wait, call us for free at 0800 39 00 27
People Also Ask
While you don’t need to be a maths whiz to study marketing, having a good grasp of basic mathematics is definitely helpful. It comes in handy for tasks like analysing data, setting budgets, and interpreting market research, which is all part of crafting effective marketing strategies.
The marketing world revolves around the “4 Ps”: Product (what you’re selling), Price (how much you’re charging), Place (where your product is being sold), and Promotion (how you get the word out about your product). These elements work together to create a successful marketing strategy.
Marketing is all about connecting with your audience in the right place and at the right time. It involves digging deep into understanding customer needs, creatively promoting products or services, and building a brand that resonates with your target market.
Marketing branches out into three main areas: traditional marketing, which covers things like print ads and billboards; digital marketing, which is all about the online world; and market research, which focuses on understanding consumer behaviour and trends to guide marketing efforts.