Imagine turning your favorite hobby or self-taught skills into a career? Although it may sound too good to be true, it really is possible. Learn how to achieve all that and more when you Turn Self-Taught Skills Into a Career.
What are Self-Taught Skills?
Simply put, self-taught skills are skills that you have taught yourself. It may not have been a skill you were born with or good at. But your tenacity and ability to learn and improve has allowed you to perfect this skill. Below are some examples of self-taught skills.
- Become an expert communicator and teach yourself a foreign language
- Dive into your creative side with self-taught graphic design skills
- Create picture perfect photos with self-taught photography skills

Turn Self Taught Skills Into a Career
So you’ve got the skills? That’s great! Don’t let your newfound skills go to waste. Make the most out of them. Learn how to turn those skills into a successful career with our guidelines below.
Get the Experience you Need
No matter how skilled you are, recruiters want employees that have experience to show that they are able to fulfill their duties. Gain experience through:
Study a Course
Gain the credibility you need by studying a course. Show employers that you have the papers to back the skills you got on your own. Courses you can study include:
Importance of Self-Taught Skills
You may think that teaching yourself new skills is a waste of time. But it’s the total opposite. It shows that you are disciplined and able to motivate yourself when faced with a task. Other reasons why teaching yourself skills are important are as follows:
Affordable – Only thing you need to pay when teaching yourself new skills is attention. Learning new skills is more affordable as you tend to use the resources you have at your disposal.
Do what you love – A lot of people can be stuck in the same position they don’t like for years. But having a career with your self-taught skills means you will be doing what you love everyday.
Impress recruiters – Showcase your ability to take initiative and impress recruiters. Keep yourself busy and prevent any gaps in your CV this way.
You control your schedule – With self-taught skills, you work on your own time. You won’t have someone standing over your shoulder checking your progress. You are your own teacher.

How to Teach Yourself Skills at Home
So you know all about the great benefits of what self-taught skills teaches you. Want a piece of the actions. Follow our guidelines below and you could be a pro at teaching yourself new skills.
Watch Videos Online
There are thousands of videos online teaching you how to do various tasks. You can subscribe to a channel or follow a page and learn new skills. It’s only a click away.
Read… Then Read Some More
Expand your mind and read to gain new knowledge. Whether it’s blogs, news articles or how-to instructions. Reading can take you above and beyond and you can learn at your own pace.
Practice Makes Perfect
It’s one thing to know the theory side of things. But put your skills at the forefront and test what you have learnt. Give yourself little DIY projects or short term goals you can achieve.
Share Your Self-Taught Skills
If you think you have mastered a skill, you can now level up and do freelance work. This will allow you to perfect your skills, network, as well as make an extra buck.
Can Self-Taught Skills be Added to my CV?
Yes. Self-taught skills can definitely be added to your CV, as well as your cover letter. You need to show employers that you can do what they are looking for. But to get the job with your skills, make sure you get the experience and qualifications for credibility. Relying solely on your self-taught skills won’t be your best bet.
Take Charge of Your Career
Ready to give your self-taught skills some credibility? Why not study a course with us and boost your career? Contact our expert course consultants for more information. You can:
- Call us on 0800 39 00 27
- Fill in our contact form for a call back