Tips to Stay Safe in Your Exam Venue

Looking for ways to stay safe in your exam venue? The Department of Education has strict protocol to ensure your well-being. This includes wearing a mask, sanitizing often and adhering to the 1 meter distancing rule.

The matric class of 2020 must write exams in extraordinary circumstances this year. And with the spread of Covid-19 continuing to grow, we want to make sure our future leaders stay healthy during this time. Here are some Tips to Stay Safe in Your Exam Venue.  

Staying Safe During Exams

We know the last thing on your mind should be the cloud of a global pandemic hanging over your head. But, as we move towards the end of the year with no foreseeable solutions, this is slowly becoming our new normal.  

Wear Your Mask

Wearing a mask may not be the most comfortable thing, but it is proven to slow down the spread of covid-19. Wear your mask to protect yourself and others. Especially the teachers and invigilators that are also risking themselves to make sure your exams run smoothly.  


Clean your hands often by using sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Your invigilators will have sanitizer at your exam venue, but also stock up with your own bottle to apply after the examination. 

Avoid Touching Your Face 

Don’t fiddle with your mask or rub your eyes during your test. Especially if your hands have not been washed or sanitised. 

Social Distance 

Usually, your final exams are also a time to spend your last few days with your friends. But, remember that some people are carriers of the virus without showing symptoms. Keep that in mind before you go on a hugging spree. 

A student wearing a mask in his exam venue. Find tips to stay safe in your exam venue right here.

Covid-19 Matric 2020 Exam Protocol

The Department of Basic Education has assured students and parents alike that the matric exams will be of high quality and that strict precautions will be taken to prevent the spread of coronavirus. These are some of the protocols set in place to ensure your safety. 

Safety Requirements in Exam Venue

Other than our Tips to Stay Safe in Your Exam Venue, you must also adhere to the following regulations. It may seem like such a hassle, but these are all put in place to secure your safety. 

  • All students and invigilators must wear masks at all times 
  • Exam venues must be fully ventilated 
  • 1 meter social distancing protocol must be adhered 
  • All students and invigilators are expected to sanitise their hands before and after handling exam material
  • Everyone arriving at exam venues must be screened 
  • This screening must take place 30 minutes before the exam starts
  • Each exam centre should keep a register of learners with co-morbidities 

Preparing the Exam Room

Teachers, SGB members and non-teaching personnel will be working around the clock to prepare your exam room. Some of their tasks will include: 

  • Disinfection and sanitising all surfaces in all exam rooms daily, before and after each session.  
  • Ensure ventilation and lighting in the examination room.
  • Set up a sanitization station at the entrance of each examination room. 
  • A reserve supply of masks must be kept in the examination room, should students arrive without masks. 
  • COVID-19 posters must be displayed in every examination room 
  • Students should take regular mask breaks during writing. Invigilators must monitor the “mask breaks” by candidates 

Student Screening 

Each student must be screened before entering the exam location. They will check your temperature. You will also be expected to fill in a form. This must be done 30 minutes before your exam, so head to your venue early. 

Writing in Isolation

The department has recently announced that students who have symptoms and feel fine to write, will be able to complete their exams. If you do miss your exam due to Covid-19 you will automatically be registered for supplementary exams in 2021.  

Coping With Exam Stress During Covid-19

With all the risks that are involved in finalising your matric, you might be under immense pressure to succeed. Talk to your family members about how you’re feeling or seek out professional help. Your mental health should be your top priority. 

Stay Focused on Your Goals 

When you do start feeling overwhelmed, remember why you’re completing your matric in the first place. Perhaps you have goals of studying further? 

Get Enough Rest 

You need to make sure you are ready for exams in a holistic way. Make sure you’re sleeping enough and eating healthy. This will combat any flus or colds. 

Join an Online Studying Group 

There are tons of online resources available where you can interact with student support groups. Join these and share your experiences and thoughts with your peers. 

Stay Active 

Remaining active not only keeps stress away, but ensures that you remain healthy during this time. Do at-home workouts or go for a run. Remember to adhere to covid-19 protocol while doing so. 

Try to keep your interactions with other people to a minimum during this time. Staying safe does not only take place in your exam venue, but before that. Continue practicing good hygiene and remain responsible. The end goal is almost in sight. 

Study Hard, Stay Safe and do Your BEST!

Thinking of studying further next year, but afraid of the health implications? Try distance learning with us. Safe, remote learning at an affordable price. Contact us today: 

  • Call us on 0800 39 00 27 – it’s free
  • Or fill out a contact form for a call back 
Last Updated: 3 September 2021