So you’ve finished high school and are about to start the next chapter of your life. Looking for tips to help you successfully transition to tertiary studies? Look no further. Change is part of life, and the way you deal with this change can set the tone for how you adjust to your future career.

Tips to Help you Successfully Transition to Tertiary Studies
Independence can be both exciting and overwhelming. So to prevent you from struggling, we’ve put together a few tips to help you successfully transition to tertiary studies:
- Get organised
- Make friends
- Ask for help
- Study a course you’re passionate about
- Use all your resources
Get Organised
A diary will help you stay on track with important deadlines. You should have two calendars: one you can stick on your wall, and another on your cell phone. Add the dates for all your tests, exams and assignments and set reminders a few days before they’re due.
Make Friends
Whether you’re studying full-time, part-time or via distance learning, you need friends. There will be days when you won’t be able to attend class and need someone to help you catch up. Support systems will really help manage your stress and anxiety.
Ask for Help
Coursework not making any sense? Well your friends and tutors can only help if you tell them you’re struggling. You can seek advice from lecturers or tutors. Check their office hours and make good use of them. There is no shame in admitting that you need help.
Study a Course You’re Passionate About
Transitioning to tertiary studies will be a lot easier if you’re studying something you enjoy. This is because your excitement will motivate you to keep up with the growing workload. If you aren’t enjoying your course, it’s not the end of the road. You can switch to one that suits your interests.
Use all Your Resources
Whether it’s free access to online study groups, on-campus career counsellors or the student support team. You should make use of everything your institution offers. It’s there for you, after all. These resources will help you find your way as an independent student.

Skills Academy is the word support in every way.

Choose Distance Learning Today
Want to further your education at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home? Then look no further than our distance learning college. We have a wide range of courses to suit your study interests.
To get started, contact our course experts who will be happy to give you more information. You can:
- Call us on: 0800 39 00 27 – It’s free!
- Fill out our contact form and we’ll call you back