If you’re met with rejection emails when applying to jobs, there could be countless reasons why you aren’t getting hired. Whether it’s by choice or out of your control, find out what are the reasons you keep getting denied an opportunity. Once you have found your fault, use our tips to increase your chances of getting a job.
Top Reasons Why you Aren’t Getting Hired
“Another no, what am I doing wrong?” The answer may surprise you. You might think you are on the right track, but employers know what they want. Top reasons why you aren’t getting hired includes:
No Higher Learning Qualifications
Back in the day, you only needed a grade 10 certificate. Then the standard became matric. But nowadays, recruiters seek employees that have a tertiary qualification. Without it, your application will be added to the rejected pile.
- Pro tip: Make it to the top of the shortlist with one of our wide range of courses you can study via distance learning.
Your Experience Won’t Make the Cut
No matter what job you apply to, you need to have experience. It could be anywhere between 1 year to 10 years of experience. With no experience, you don’t have the practical skills that will prove to employers that you are capable of performing basic duties.
- Pro tip: Give studying part-time a try. This will allow you to gain experience and study at the same time.
Cover Letter Doesn’t Cover all of Your Basis
When sending your cover letter and CV to employers, this is the first taste they get of a potential candidate. If you don’t highlight your skills and qualifications, employers won’t consider it. A poorly written CV and cover letter is a leading factor in denied applications.
- Pro tip: Use online CV templates to help you structure your document. Find out what not to include in your CV, and ask a friend to proofread it so that it’s clear of spelling errors.
Soft Skills Took a Back Seat
Many candidates focus on qualifications and technical skills when applying to a job. But do you know that your soft skills set you out from the rest? If you don’t work on your soft skills and highlight them, your applications could be overlooked.
- Pro tip: Improve your soft skills by taking initiative at work, becoming a volunteer, or studying a Workplace Skills Course.
Overqualified – WHAT?
Too much of a good thing is bad, especially when it comes to your qualifications and experience. If you are overqualified, employers might see it as a level down for your career. All your years of hard work will go to waste and you won’t get the salary you deserve.
Pro tip: Network your way to success, as your inner circle could help you find a suitable job. Also, try to apply to jobs that will utilise your skills. No need to start at an entry level.

Your Interview Left a Bad Impression
You are supposed to put your best foot forward in an interview. But what if you stepped over the line? So many things can go wrong in an interview. This could have been the reason why you didn’t get a call back.
- Pro tip: Be sure to prepare with tips for a successful interview. This will help you handle any curve balls or questions recruiters may throw your way.
Social Media ‘Influenced’ Your Chances
Did you know, many recruiters check your social media platforms when you apply? It gives them insight on the person they are hiring. So if you troll people all day and post party pics all night, it might contribute to one of the reasons you aren’t getting hired.
- Pro tip: Your social media platforms are your own. But be mindful of the things you post. It will be on the internet – forever!
Expectations are Through the Roof
We know what is best for us. But sometimes that can come off a little too entitled. When you are applying to jobs, or in an interview, it’s best not to throw your demands all over the place. And you can’t expect a senior position with entry-level skills.
- Pro tip: Apply to jobs within your level of expertise and qualification. You will stand a better chance of getting a job.
Matric Blues
No matter how many years of experience you have, if you don’t have matric, recruiters won’t consider you. In recent years, matric has been the minimum requirement. This has been one of the top reasons people are unable to find a job.
- Pro tip: Register to an accredited institution and get your matric. With our Adult Matric Course, you can pass your grade 12 from the comfort of your home.
Driven by Money
The cost of living is high. And to live a comfortable life, you need to earn a certain amount of money. But having a salary expectancy well beyond what the recruiters offer could stand in your way of getting a job.
- Pro tip: Take note of the jobs you are applying for. The higher the position, the more they offer. Just be sure that your skills and qualifications match the job post.
Reasons Beyond Your Control
You have the skills, qualifications and experience. Yet sometimes, external factors are the reason you are getting a job. This includes the job availability, job markets, location of the job you applied for, and so much more.
Pro tip: Don’t give up! The right job will fall into your lap when you least expect it. Also, apply to job sites like Linkedin, and allow recruiters to find you.

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Get Hired Today!
Use of top tips and you’ll get hired in no time. Still waiting on your big break? Why not study a skills-based course? You’ll learn practical skills while waiting on the job of your dreams. Speak to one of our course experts for more details. You can:
- Call us on 0800 39 00 27
- Fill in our contact form for a call back