Make-up Application Certificate Course Breakdown

Expand your beauty skills with this Make-up Application Certificate Course that you can do through distance learning.

What you need to know

Subject Outcomes

Interested in knowing what subjects you will be getting into and what you will be learning in this Make-up Application Certificate Course Breakdown? 

Subject Description
Introduction to Business English This module will teach students how to correctly use the English language for business, it covers everything from email to presentations to listening skills. These skills will be useful when starting a beauty business in the future.
Anatomy and Physiology This subject teaches you about the human body anatomy. You will learn about the various systems in the human body and each of their functions. This knowledge will help you in your career as a Nail Care Professional to better serve the customer
Professional Salon Skills This chapter gives you a good introduction into the beauty industry and how to conduct yourself professionally in the salon environment. It will also talk about how to prepare for your consultation with a client, which is one of the most important elements you need to master as a beauty therapist.
Excellence in Service: Basic A big part of being a nail care professional has to do with interactions with customers. This subject prepares you for those service based interactions.
Introduction to Make-up Application 1 Before you start to apply make-up to the face there is a lot you need to know. We start with a look at the anatomy of the face; the facial bones, shapes and muscles. You will then learn what tools you need to apply make-up, and how to care for those tools. It then discusses use of colour, foundation, concealer and how to contour a face with make-up
Introduction to Make-Up Application 2 You will now learn how to apply make-up to the eyes and lips, as well as what make-up is appropriate for clients of different ages. You will then look at make-up for special occasions such as weddings and black tie events and then look at different styles of make-up that you can start to experiment with, as you get confident in this subject.

Study Upgrade

Now that you have completed your Make-up Applications Certificate Course, continue your learning with our Make-up Applications  Comprehensive Course.