Mathematics Matric Past Papers

Skipping these Mathematics Matric Past Papers would be a SIN! Get ahead of the game with our Matric Study Resources. Apply these tips and tricks that you can count on.

Finally! The anticipated Matric 2020 Exams have arrived and what a year it has been. Find Mathematics Matric Past Papers right here along with some exam tips. Trust us, acing your exam will be as easy as pi (π)!

Mathematics Past Question Papers

We know that mathematics is the one subject many students struggle with. In fact, in South Africa the matric pass rate for mathematics in 2019 was 54%. So, you need all the help you can get. The best way to prepare for your exam is to work through past matric papers. This will give you an idea of what to expect. 

Work through these along with the answer book to guide you through the work. Get a feel for the structure and how questions are asked. 

A student on her way to write her final exams. Find Mathematics Matric Past Papers right here!

Date of Mathematics Exam 

You’ll have to plan your studies very carefully for your mathematics exams. This subject is divided into two papers and they are scheduled to follow very closely after one another. 

  • Paper 1: 12th of October
  • Paper 2 :16th of October. 

Make sure you focus and set up a study timetable ahead of time. For your other exam dates make sure to download the Matric 2020 Exam timetable. 

How Long Will Each Paper be?

The duration for both papers are 3 hours each. They start at 9 am on the dot! So don’t be late. Arrive ahead of time so you can give yourself a chance to ease into the exam venue. Remember to wear your mask, bring your sanitizer and social distance. 

Preparing for Your Mathematics Exam

Preparing for a mathematics exam is all about practice,practice and more practice! Listed below are some study tips that should help you prepare for your finals

Make a List of Important Concepts/Formulas: Make a list of important concepts and formulas and make sure you know them! 

Rework Homework Problems: Go back to your homework and work through equations you have been struggling with. Write down each step so you remember them the day of exams.  

Take a Practice Test: Set up your own mock exam using the past papers and memos as guidelines.  

Also make sure you have all the right tools for the day. Pack your scientific calculator, your ruler, pens and your maths set. 

When Will the Matric 2020 Results be Released?

The Department of Basic Education has announced that the Matric 2020 results will be released on the 23rd of February 2021. Stay focused on studying hard and doing your best. That way you can go into the new year knowing you gave your all! 

Last Updated: 22 October 2024