Many students don’t know the importance of Managing stress and Matric Exams. If you want to achieve distinctions then you will have to find the balance between the two. We have tips on dealing with exam stress and strategies on maintaining good mental health. So fear not, we are in this with you.
5 Tips for Dealing With Exam Stress
Everyone experiences exam stress, no matter how big or small the exam is. It’s natural to feel a sense of panic, not all stress is bad. But just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean there aren’t ways for you to deal with it.
Tip 1- 10 Minute Rule
Taking on a big chapter all at once can be intimidating and you end up discouraged before you even start. So here’s a trick, break down your work into bite size pieces. Once you have selected your work, focus on it for 10 minutes. You’ll soon see that 10 minutes turns into 30 minutes and so on.
Tip 2- Study Schedule
When you look at your exam timetable all you see is how much time you don’t have left till the day you write. That’s why a study schedule is a great power tool to have. Looking at your timetable, create a schedule that allows you to study all your material well in advance and gives you some down time.
Tip 3- Rewards
You know how diets have cheat days? Well, you should have study reward days. This is just something you give yourself for sticking to your study schedule and for studying hard. It can be anything from ice-cream to a day out with your friends. But remember there has to be a balance. It can’t be all play and no work.
Tip 4- Be an Early Bird
A student that gets up early, gets more done. Sleeping in may feel good in the moment. But it’s a disadvantage when studying. By starting your day early you can cover more material and still have time to yourself. Getting up early also means that you can go to bed early. So no staying up till midnight.
Tip 5- Physical and Mental Exercise
The best thing to do when you feel like the world is spinning is to find your centre. You can do this with a few breathing exercises and quick workouts. Don’t stress, you don’t have to get a yoga or gym membership. Thanks to the internet you can find breathing and body exercises to do from the comfort of your home.
How to Mentally Prepare for Exams
Exams aren’t all about knowing your textbook from cover to cover. It’s also about being mentally prepared. If you already feel anxious about tests and exams then knowing how to manage your mindset during this period will be a great help.
Study Past Papers: Worried about the unknown? Past papers eliminate this fear by giving you a guide into your exam.
Organisation: Having notes all over your desk can be off putting. Organisation is key for exam preparation and it gives you a sense of control.
Study Buddy: Feel less alone when you study with someone in the same boat as you. This makes studying and revision more enjoyable.
Taking Care of Your Mental Health
Your brain is more than just a machine you use to store your notes when studying. Much like a car engine your mental health has to be taken care of. Otherwise your machine won’t work as well as it should.
Have Someone to Talk to
Having someone to confide in is always good for our mental health. You can go to a professional, a family member or friend. This person can also be a pillar of strength when you need motivation.
Self-care doesn’t have to be a spa day. It can be a long bubble bath with some scented candles or even a day in the park. Point is, even though you have to study, you also have to take care of yourself.
Take breaks
Have you ever hit a study wall? It’s the point of a study session where you feel like you can’t focus anymore. Get up and take a break. Your brain might need some fresh air. Take this time to grab a snack, some water and to stretch your legs.
Finding the Root of Your Stress
There are several reasons why students stress when it comes to exams. Matric exams are even more stressful because once you receive your matric certificate you are able to apply for higher education at a university or college. Lessen your stress by finding the root of it and then working on it from there.
- High expectations: Family that expects you to only achieve high grade
- Fear: Not knowing what to expect in the test
- Self-induced pressure: Wanting to achieve a certain result
- Last minute preparation: Not giving yourself enough time to study
Ways to Eliminate Exam Stress
What do you do once you know why you are stressed? Find ways to work on it. You can do this by creating checklists to ensure that you have everything you need at all times. Or try concentration and breathing exercises. Fact is you can always do something about it.