Make Distance Learning Your Choice of Study During Lockdown

Make Distance Learning Your Choice of Studying During Lockdown. Don’t let your studies go on pause, start studying today and gain the skills you need for a successful career.

Without a vaccine the lockdown will continue. Even though restrictions may become lighter, there is still a risk of contracting Covid-19. That’s why we have the reasons why you should Make Distance Learning Your Choice of Studying During Lockdown.   

Rise in Covid-19 Cases

The number of active Covid-19 cases continues to climb. In South Africa there are currently 800 000 cases. Although safety protocols are followed, the virus is unpredictable and not curable at the moment. 

Benefits of Distance Learning During a Pandemic 

Distance learning is done from the safety of your home. That in itself makes it a safer way of learning. But that’s not it, there are more benefits of distance learning during a pandemic. Take a look at them below. 

Learning Continues 

With the lockdown, schools closed. Causing all learning to go on pause for months. But distance learning students continued their studies. Meaning you don’t have to fall behind and play catch up. 


One of the biggest safety protocols for Covid-19 is social distances. It’s hard to implement this in schools because of the number of students that attend. With distance learning you study from home so you’re automatically following protocols. 


Classroom learning can be costly. You have a number of things to consider besides tuition fees such as transportation. Luckily with distance learning you don’t have that worry. You save a lot travelling and housing. 

Available in Different Learning Styles 

Distance learning can be done in different styles, regardless of your learning needs. It is offered as online learning, open schedule learning, fixed online courses and video conferencing. All you have to do is find one that works for you. 

A student in a wheelchair, sitting at her desk studying her course. Make Distance Learning Your Choice of Studying During Lockdown.

How do Distance Learning Exams Work During Lockdown? 

Most distance learning courses work according to a PoE. You can also find courses that don’t have exams at all. But if you are writing exams, the best thing to do would be to speak to your course provider. 

Variety of Courses 

You don’t have to attend a university to get a variety of course options. Many distance learning institutions offer accredited skill focused courses. These courses will give you the same credibility as a university course but at half the cost. 

What you Will Need to Study With Distance Learning

Knowing what you will need depends on your institution. When looking for an institution, you can check the requirements on their website. Entry requirements also depend on what course you choose to study. 

Are Distance Learning Institutions Accredited? 

This is a question with two answers. Yes and no. There are distance learning institutions that are accredited, like we are and then there are unaccredited institutions. Always check the accreditation of your institution before registering. 

How to Check if a College is Legit 

Checking the credibility of an institution can be done in two ways. You can either check if it’s available on their website or you can check it through the Department of Education. If you can’t get it, it’s mostly likely not accredited and the qualifications you receive from the institution won’t be recognised. 

Choose the Safer Option, Study From Home 

Choose to stay safe and study with distance learning during this pandemic. Interested in our courses? Contact one of our course experts today. 

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Last Updated: 25 September 2024