Has the events from the past year left you feeling unsure of your next steps? We get it. 2020 was the year that threw most plans and goals out the window. But learning how to plan for an uncertain future is the key to success.
How to Plan for an Uncertain Future
Many people like to be able to plan and predict things. It’s human nature. Not being able to do this can leave us feeling fearful and uneasy. Here are tips on how to plan for an uncertain future the best way you can.
Remember the Basics
Take the time to evaluate your life and current situation. Was your career goals affected? If so, look for ways in which you can readjust them. This can be done by setting goals and finding actions you can take to make your situation better, like updating your CV.
Make the Most out of the Skills you Have
Everyone has natural talents and skills that make them valuable. There is no better time than now to take advantage of it. Focus on what you are good at, and find ways to work on those talents. You can also take online courses or apply your skills to the real world by volunteering.
Be Responsible When Making Decisions
With the future still so uncertain, it only makes sense to avoid making rash and impulsive decisions. This is why you need to think very carefully about decisions that will have an impact on your life, especially financial ones. Rather opt to make decisions that you can afford.
Focus on What you can Control
This can be hard, especially if you are used to being in control of your life. There are times where you just have to accept that something is out of your control. Focus on the things you can control instead. This includes having a positive attitude or deciding to learn something new.
Be Ready to Improve and Adapt
If the current state of the world has taught us anything, it’s that you need to be ready for whatever life throws at you. This means finding ways to always improve yourself and broaden your skills. If the path you planned is blocked, set a new one and adapt to any curve balls.

Tips to Stay Calm During Uncertain Times
Chaos, change in routine, isolation. If this doesn’t sound familiar to you, you haven’t been living in the real world. After the year we’ve had, It’s common to feel as if the world might explode at any time. Below is a list of steps you can use whenever you are feeling stressed or anxious.
- Find a Routine
- Know Your Limits When Taking in the News
- Connect With Nature
- Be Grateful
- Take Time to Reflect
- Be Kind to Yourself
Should Uncertainty Stop me From Setting Goals?
The quick answer is absolutely…not. Things might seem out of sorts right now, but the harsh reality is that life goes on. You still need to set goals for yourself so you have something to work towards. It also serves as a great distraction.
Understand Your Attitude and Mindset
Feeling doubtful about reaching your goals? When hesitance and doubt set in, you are less likely to take action. A positive attitude and mindset can go a long way.
Believe In the Process of Goal Setting
No matter how much the world changes, the process of setting goals remains the same. It should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely (SMART goals).
Breakdown Your Goal
Figure out what your end goal is first. Once you have that, you can start making a list of steps you need to take to obtain that goal.
It’s Never Too Late to Plan for the Future!
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