There’s no shame in writing a supplementary exam. In fact, you can achieve the marks you need with your supplementary exams. So make your second chance count with our tips on How to Pass Supplementary Exams.
How Supplementary Exams Work
Supplementary exams are your second chance at achieving the marks you need to pass your course. You can also qualify for a supplementary exam if you have a valid reason for missing the original exam. This exam takes place a few weeks after the initial exams are taken.

Passing Supplementary Exams
The best way to pass any exam is by studying hard. Just because you’ll write at a later date doesn’t mean you should relax and take it for granted. You should hit the books as soon as possible. Take advantage of our tips on passing supplementary exams while working on your study schedule.
Identify Your Mistakes
If you have already written your exam, the best way to pass your supplementary paper would be to identify your mistakes. Ask your examiner if you can have a look at your exam paper. Use it to mark off the sections you did poorly in.
Try new Study Techniques
Have you been using the same study methods for years? Maybe it’s time to try something new. Find a study method that works for the way you learn. A good idea would be to ask your fellow classmates what study techniques they use and try it out.
Understand the Material
Studying is all about understanding. You may read over your course material but do you understand it? Make sure you know what you are studying. This can make a difference between a fail and a pass.
Joining Study Groups
You know the saying, two heads are better than one? The same goes for studying. Joining a study group will open you up to new study techniques and it gives you a chance to understand the material from a new perspective.
The Role of Past Papers
Past papers are the best weapon you can have when it comes to attacking your supplementary exams. If you can, try and get past papers to use while you study. They will help you see how the paper will be set up and help you identify the types of questions you will be asked.
Passing Matric Supplementary Exams
Matric is a tough year. Finals can be stressful and put a lot of pressure on your shoulders. That’s why the Department of Education offers you the opportunity to write a supplementary exam. Take a look at what you need to know to pass your matric supplementary exams.
Check if you Qualify
In order to write a supplementary exam you need to meet the following requirements:
- Have you failed two of your matric final exam papers?
- Were you medically unfit to write an exam and have a medical certificate?
- Was there a death in your immediate family on the day of or during your finals?
If you meet the requirements needed for the supplementary exams, you can move on to registering. Registration closes March 2025, so don’t delay.
With registration out the way, you can now move on to the important part, studying. Use our matric past exam papers to help you study for your exams.

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What Happens if you Fail a Supplementary Exam
Failing a matric re-write doesn’t mean your academic life comes to a halt. So don’t give up just yet. If you fail, you can register to redo your matric. It might take longer than you expected but you will achieve your goal at the end.