Has the question, “Do I Need Matric to be Successful?”, ever crossed your mind? Many students who don’t complete their matric often feel as if they have failed at life. This could not be further from the truth. Whether or not you have matric is not a deciding factor. You can have a successful life and career either way.
Is a Matric Certificate Important?
The importance of a matric certificate depends on what you want to achieve in your life. Though it does not guarantee success, it does offer you greater access to opportunities such as:
- Entry-level jobs
- Internships
- Higher learning institutions
A matric certificate serves as a stepping stone to something bigger. Most entry-level jobs and internships only require a valid certificate. But if you want to further your education, your matric pass has to meet the specific requirements.

How can I Thrive Without Matric?
Though having matric comes with its fair share of benefits, there are still ways for you to succeed without it. You can choose to study further, volunteer in a field you are interested in or learn a trade.
Advance Your Studies
Knowledge is power and taking courses can help you learn about the field you are interested in. They also help you gain valuable skills that can be used in any workplace. There are higher learning institutions, like Skills Academy, that offer a range of courses you can start without matric. This includes:
Learn a Scarce Skill or Trade
Learning a scarce skill or trade can help you land a job that is in demand. These options are often overlooked but come with a range of benefits. You can further your career, earn a higher salary or even work abroad. Some common trades include electrical, plumbing, welding and carpentry. You even have the option of starting your own business.
Did you know that having volunteer experience can be good for your career? It shows potential employers that you are passionate about helping others and making a difference in the world. It’s also a great way to explore a field you are interested in, before you start your career. You can meet people with similar interests and learn about other cultures.
Get an Internship
It isn’t always easy to find an internship without having matric. It takes a lot of determination and hardwork. If you know someone who works in the industry you want to get into, ask if you can shadow them. Once you gain some insight and experience, find out if there are any internships available. You never know who might be willing to give you a chance to prove yourself.
What Career Fields can I get Into Without Matric?
Not having a matric certificate doesn’t mean that you can’t be an asset in the working world. That’s why it’s important to take a look at what your strengths and natural skills are. Do you have a great work ethic? Are you creative? These kinds of strengths can help you decide which field you will excel in. Studying towards a skills-based career is also a great way to get started.
Accounting – If you dream of becoming an accountant one day, start out as a bookkeeper. You can work your way up from there.
Arts and Culture – Put your creativity and natural talent to good use by exploring the arts world. Become a photographer, interior designer or musician. The list is endless.
Office Admin – A career in admin might not sound very exciting, but it’s a good place to get your start. You can learn a range of skills that you can use almost anywhere.
Sales/Retail – If you love working with people, a career in sales or retail would be ideal. Starting out as a shop assistant or call centre agent can get your foot in the door.
Transport – Have your driver’s licence? The best way to get into the transport industry is starting out as a driver. You can work for a company or start your own business.
Beauty – The beauty industry offers a range of jobs with flexible schedules. Become a make-up artist, nail technician or beauty therapist.

Is it Still Possible to get Matric as an Adult?
Absolutely! Your age shouldn’t stop you from achieving your dream of having matric. We offer two ways for you to gain your matric certificate. To qualify for both, you need to be 21 years or older. We provide you with all your study material and assist where needed. The Department of Basic Education sets up the exams and your certificate is issued by Umalusi.
Adult Matric
Never got the chance to finish high school? With us you can! Our Adult Matric option gives you the chance to complete your matric on your own terms. If you completed your grade 9, you can go ahead and work towards your matric.
Matric Upgrade
Everyone deserves a second chance! If you already have your matric, but are unhappy with your results, consider a matric upgrade. This option allows you to rewrite the subjects you did badly in so you can improve your marks.
What can I Study With Matric?
Having matric can give you access to a range of study options. You can choose to study towards a degree, diploma or certificate. The matric results you get on your matric certificate determines what options you qualify for.
Degree – If you received a Bachelor’s Pass (B), you can study a degree course at a university or technikon. You also have the option of studying a diploma or certificate course.
Diploma – A Diploma Pass (D) allows you to study towards a diploma at a technikon or college. Once you have your diploma, you can go on to study a degree course in the same field.
Higher Certificate – You can study any certificate course at a college of your choice with this pass. With us, you can gain a certificate and work your way towards a diploma.
Why Choose Distance Learning With Skills Academy?
Our distance learning courses allow you to work and study at the same time. You don’t need to choose one or the other. We also offer our students a range of benefits such as:
- Study fast, pay less
- No credit checks
- Access to study groups and tutors
- Study material gets sent straight to you
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